
Workshops, interactive music encounter, instruments demonstration, a taste of music heritage

  • What are the Jewish languages?
  • What is the shofar and what connection it has to Jewish tradition?
  • What is the difference between women’s songs in Yemen and men’s songs?
  • What are the prominent characteristics in the composition of Arab Jewish music?
  • Where did the first Hebrew songs come from?
  • What characterizes music from the Middle East?
  • What rhythms this music has?
  • What is the main characteristic of Jewish music?

We have so much to share about the history, the songs,
the culture, the role of music in Judaism and the new Hebrew culture…

If you are a curious audience, that is interested in getting deeper and expanding your knowledge,
if you wish to have a glimpse into our tradition, or maybe you would like to know a little more about our work and have some questions to ask –  workshop is the great platform for that.

Yamma’s members conducted numerous workshops in China, the USA, Estonia, Germany, France, Taiwan and wherever there was a curious audience.

The Ensemble conducts a wide range of educational events for informational sessions, training & workshops and communities residencies for groups of all ages within communities & residencies and for professional musicians and music lovers alike.


Possible workshop topics

  • Middle Eastern typical instruments & rhythms.
  • Jewish music of Diasporas.
  • Early Hebrew national style – the birth of Israeli music style.
  • Jewish Sephardic music.
  • Secular and religious songs of Jewish heritage